Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Programming Troubles

Well, we are trying out a program called weblock on our computer that Stephen's friend highly recommends in case you all want to try it ... it is a free program downloadable from www.We-Blocker.com. It is a few years old I think, but it is supposed to block problem web sites. There are too many of them! I was doing a simple job search for Wolf while he was at work, and I couldn't believe what kind of sites came up on my serach. Some looked like what I was looking for. Hummm, nope, I was wrong! So.... here we have a problem! (My search was for probation and parol officer jobs)...
Stephen's friend said that when he installed this program, him and his son tried for hours to get into a sickening website...and it didn't work. His son couldn't hack his password, and he has loved it. The first couple of days I have loved it too. I can web search to my hearts content, and the program decides if a site is safe or not. And it won't let me in. Whahoo, no more "Oops' I went to a bad site".
Now, my problem with it is...if it chooses, I can enter your blog, and if your blog has pictures, it will let me in to read your blog, but won't show pictures...I am slowly going through and unblocking your blogs. That is time consuming. My other problem is that it considers the word verification box in the "write a comment page" as something taboo. So, I am having trouble leaving comments on your blogs because it won't let me see what it is. If anyone has experience with this program please help me figure out how to unblock that too.
Anyway, this seems like a good program, it is just going to take time to get it set up to work for us the way we want it too. (Warning, it has an audio alert, so when I go into a blog or my email, it screams "BLOCKED!" at me, I keep jumping, and so do the kids.) I know that there are sites out there that aren't marked with adult warnings so they may slip through...but I feel better about my internet now.
Have a great day everyone!


Jared and Delia said...

Pretty cool...thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

It's always much better to steer clear of any of the crap if you can, It sounds like you found a pretty good program. sorry I'm not any help with the problems

Beth said...

Hi, Sheri!

It was great to run into you at the grocery store today.

Visit my blog - bethandherspinrad.blogspot.com.