Thursday, July 2, 2009

Life- with all the Toppings

I want my life with as many of the toppings I can get...

Many things in life have toppings. In my house, toppings are what make everything so special.
In my house my kids ask for...

*Ice cream with silly sauce on top...(chocolate sauce that is, not sure why my kids call it silly sauce.)
*Pancakes and waffles have to have jam on top.
*Kix with Cherrios on top.
*Cheerios with kix on top.
*Cheerios with raisins on top.
*Mac'n cheese with chopped up hot dogs on top.
*Crackers with Cheese and salsa on top.
*Toys with more toys stacked on top.

Anyway, you get the idea, my boys are quite silly.

My Favorite Toppings Are...
*Hugs with a kiss on top.
*Kisses topped with more kisses.
*Hugs with tickles on top.
*My lap full of a boy holding a boy holding a boy. (Big Pile of Boys.)
*Pictures of Stephen wearing hat on top of hat on top of hat.
*Stephen's insistence that painting is all about putting one color of paint on top of the other so they all turn black. (His creative little smirk is priceless...not so much the pretty colored paints turning black.)
*Skyler with stuffed animals on top. (He sees how many he can hold on his head at a time.)
*Cody applies kiss after kiss, and tops it off with a big bite in my cheek. (Yes his razor sharp teeth hurt, but his kisses are the sweetest thing ever.)
*Wolf and his super surprises...(never happy with just one, he has to stack a surprise on a surprise, (even if it is as simple as a movie he rented for us to watch with a candy bar on top.)

Yes, I will have life with all the toppings please...

Life's best toppings... March 2009

This is an old picture of Stephen and Skyler.

Cody is now crawling...officially on hands and knees, but still goes army crawl when he is in a hurry. He is also getting another tooth. This is #3 on the bottom. Wahoo!!! Go Baby Go!!!


Jared and Delia said...

That was so poetic and sweet. I want life with all the toppings too!

Anonymous said...

Bring on the toppings!! I want it all too!

Rob and Jill said...

Very cute Sher! I love toppings too!

Universitybabe said...

I loved your post. It is fun to hear about toppings in your life and reflect on toppings in my own life.