Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

We had a great time celebrating Independence Day!
We are thankful for the opportunity to celebrate our great nation.
We are thankful for our freedom,
We love the beauty,
We love the country that brings so many opportunities to us.
Some of the fun things we did to celebrate were...
We saw Aunt Terri Perform,
We went to the parade,
and the shops on Center Street,
we saw the fireworks above the stadium...
and hot air balloons.
We woke up early and went to bed late.
It was a really great day, long but fantastic!
You know...Fireworks are great and all, we love them...
We love the bright colors flashing in the night sky.
But, the real treat is always the BALLOONS.. the HOT AIR variety that is.

Freedom Festival Provo 2009

The balloons touched...it is called a kiss, We think it is cute.
Once again... our friends Ron and Linda Dupee
Came from Las Vegas to play,
and brought their new hot air balloon.
(Only a couple of years old, I sure miss their red balloon though.)

Ron landed the Riatoh behind Smiths...just down the street from our house on the 3rd of July.

Ok...I admit, we love one Hot air balloon more than the rest.

We love the RIATOH.

Three little boys we know love them as much as we do.

Can you see the RIATOH?

We hope your 4th of July was as fantastic as ours was!


Anonymous said...

What a fun tradition to share with your boys. The hot air ballloons are so cool!

Jared and Delia said...

how pretty! Your boys are so cute that in that picture. You can see each of their personalities shining through.