Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Fluorescent Yellow Food Day 2010

Celebrating year 13...and a baby bean... (Can you believe this is year 13 already?)

Yes, it is that day again...the day we wait for all year long. Feb 20... This year is extra special ...Holiday Co-founder Pamela should be having her baby any day now... (due date today)
We made what we have dreamed about for years for the potluck. A great big bowl of Mac n' cheese...

Ok, is a cake for the celebration here...(my kids are sick we will not be attending Andrea's potluck, we are very sad.) We hope that you all have a great day, and eat something yellow in celebration.
All long as I am on my blog I should add more pictures just to prove I am not a total slacker.
So we go...
Skyler writing out Valentines...
Stephen signing Valentines...
Cody decorating envelopes to send out Valentines...
Some of the millions of Valentines Day cookie we made. Wahooo, the story of that week will have to be yet another post...I'm still not over it.

For some reason it won't let me add more pictures...So, I will do that in the next post...


Delia said...

That is right. I think is so fun that you celebrate this holiday! ;) What an awesome cake Sherry. You are so talented at making cakes.

Sorry your kids are sick. That is no fun. Get better!

Rob and Jill said...

That cake is great!!! I hope your kids get better soon. We've got bad coughs at our house too. Come spring...COME!

Kylie said...

So fun!

Circle Kee Pasto said...

You are a fun mom!