Friday, September 18, 2009

Cody's Birthday

Cody Turned one year old today!

I'm a HUG waiting to happen.

Happy messy boy...he loved his cake and ice cream!

Cards and toys and pictures, he loves to share it all with his brothers.

My boys loves baths, especially, here is a bathtub cake! Cody ate the "soap"...

What a cute boy you are!

You do so many fun things, like

Crawling over my piles of folded laundry, just as I am about to put it away.

Stealing someones hat so you can wear it, or play peek a boo with it.

I love how you melt hearts just by your smile.
You know just how to get your way, at least with Daddy and your brothers.
I love the way you kick your legs when you ride in the stroller, the faster we go, the faster you kick.
I love the cute little squeaks you make when you are happy.
I love your pouting, I'm not getting my way looks. It is cute, but I'm not giving in...
I love snuggling with you. You are one cuddly boy, I am so happy, cause your brothers really only like to snuggle when we are reading a book, or when they are sad.
I love the way you smile when we dance.
I love the way you giggle when I dip you.
I love the goofy grin you give when you know you are doing something you shouldn't, like standing in the high chair.
I love your independence, you climb up and down stairs like a pro.
You like to hold your diaper until I am ready to put it on you, and you like to get your own wet wipes...not necessarily when we need them.
Happy Birthday to you!


Rob and Jill said...

Happy Birthday Cody! What a cutie! The bathtub cake turned out cute- I love the soap.

Jared and Delia said...

What a FUN cake! How creative. I love how you can use those bath toys later. Gift and cake in one.

THat is cute that Cody kicks his legs faster when you walk faster as if his little leg pumping is moving the stroller along.