Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Freaking Out a Bit this Week

So it occurred to me  a couple of days ago (On the 9th) that if this "Baby Boo," as the boys call him, comes as early as Cody did, I have 1 month left... and if he comes a week to 2 weeks earlier than Cody... EEEKKK!  I better not go there...  Lets just say, I am NOT ready for this!  I don't even have any good names picked out to think about.  (Where did time go?)  All I gotta say is, hey baby, why don't you break Stephen's record for me being pregnant the longest and not try to out do Cody's earliness record.
Ok, enough freaking out... I'm taking it easy, I'm not on bed rest, just Restricted Activity, placenta looks good so far (Still on medications to help placenta work better), baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead, blood pressure is looking good , weight is looking good...I gotta keep the stress down and just believe I will make it to November.  Positive thoughts...positive thoughts...

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I hope that this little guy takes his time and enjoys a nice, long gestation period! I hope you make it to November! :) Good luck with this last stretch during your pregnancy...I hope everything goes well.