Friday, May 14, 2010

Yippeee Skyler!!!

I think I forgot to mention the other day...ok, I am certain that I forgot to mention, that my little Skyler has been taking the world by storm, here are a few things he is doing...
...He hasn't been having any potty accidents lately!!! (Nearly earning him a popcorn party.)
...He just reached 29 pounds!!! (Yes it is an accomplishment, he finally reached 5% for his age group. (And he is 10% for height.) They finally are saying he is a well proportioned kid, THANK YOU PEDIASURE!!! (We moved him to 3 pediasures a day to see if it would work better than 2. They like to see a minimum of a pound gained every 3 months I guess, and this boy gained 2lbs 5oz!!!
...He surprised me the other day by counting plates and cups as he unloaded the dishwasher. ("one, two, three, two, three, two, three, four, four, two, three, four, five, six!!!") I have been trying to get this boy to count to 5 for a long time, and he wouldn't. He must have just picked this up at school. (We love school and the great big bus!)
...Our Skyler is nearly bursting with words to say, sometime he has so much to say he has to stop and take a big breath. (Not quite sentences yet, but real words!) Did I mention that we love his school?
...Is it possible that my boy is finally growing out of his 2T clothes, and fits nicely in a 3 and a 4? (Just in time for Cody to need those 2T's, ah yes, Cody is at 50% height and weight, and growing out of the 18 month clothes that I just pulled out for him.)
I wanted to put in Skyler's school picture here...but my scanner isn't working...ok, another day...


Delia said...

Yay Skyler. There is nothing better than seeing our children grow and thrive. Awesome. :)

Kylie said...

That is SO exciting! Go Skyler!

Rob and Jill said...

Hooray for Skyler! What great progress. Way to go.

Carolyn said...

Good for Skyler! It's so nice to see them learn something that you feel like you've repeated over and over again! That's exciting. Your boys are so cute. I can't believe they're getting so big!